Monday, 2 April 2018

Coming out

Important message:

As we approach the end of Autism Awareness Week, I want to get this out there: I have been sharing quite a few posts, videos and related things about autism on FaceBook. Partly because I think there should be more awareness of, but also because it's increasingly likely (pending diagnosis) that I am autistic. 

After several burn-outs and breakdowns throughout my adult life, I began the diagnostic process with my Psychologist earlier this year. 
She was astonished that I've never suspected or outright had an ASD (which is called ASS in Dutch LOL) diagnosis before. Astonished because my mannerisms, habits and much more make me practically the poster-girl for what used to be called Asperger Syndrome. 

This is more difficult to diagnose in women and often goes overlooked or is misdiagnosed for years as a variety of other things: BPD, depression, anxiety, panic disorder and more. These are often just the outward symptoms of autism, and our response to a world that just 'isn't designed for us'.

Anyways. Sharing autism stuffs because it's nearing the end of Autism Awareness Week and because I felt it was time to update you all and put it out there, that this is why I am, the way I am and to ask for your patience while I figure out how to approach life in a way that no longer burns my candle at 3 ends.

Over and out. :)

PS: Partner A. has ADHD (which is closely related to ASD), and got his diagnosis before me, the bloody hipster! ;)

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